Legal Notice
The following website and domain names are the property of Microphyt: microphyt.eu | microphyt.com | microphyt.fr | microphyt.net
Limited Company with a Board of Directors and capital of 3 363 337 euros
RCS: 498 354 497
713 route de Mudaison – 34670 Baillargues – France
CNIL n°1525128 v 0
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Microphyt authorizes other websites and sources to add hyperlinks to its content, except for any website that publishes content that is controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or contrary to public morality and decency. Microphyt declines all responsibility for the content published on the websites it provides links to intentionally or without its knowledge. Users access the websites with links on the Microphyt website at their own risk. Microphyt declines any responsibility for the information and content contained on third-party sites featuring links to the Microphyt website.
Microphyt does not collect any personal data without users’ consent. By completing and sending the contact form or sending an email, users give Microphyt permission to conserve this data with the aim of enabling automatized customer management or carrying out market surveys. Users have the right to access and modify the information relating to them.