for a blue future
Committed to better living
Our world needs new solutions to tackle the challenges we’re facing today. In nutrition & well-being, healthier, more efficient solutions that respect nature are essential to promote a better way of living. At Microphyt, we are taking up this challenge by shifting scale and turning to prodigious, mostly untapped life forms: microalgae.

new naturals
Inspired by nature and enabled by biotechnology, we develop, produce and market microalgae-based solutions for health and beauty
Since 2009, our research
laboratories have been developing
specialty ingredients derived from microalgae.
Enabled by avant-garde sustainable
production processes,
we want to offer a new generation of
eco-efficient natural bioactives.

The way of micro-algae
Invisible to the naked eye, with close to 1 million species, microalgae represent an extraordinary source of bioactives. However, until recently, only a few could be cultivated on a large scale. That is until we unlocked the full potential of microalgae diversity using our patented technology platform.