🌸 Join us this spring 🌸
March 19, 2024
During the spring 2024, Microphyt will be present at several industry events. We hope to take this opportunity to meet you and share with you about our unique ingredients extracted from microalgae. Come and join us to these various events:
March 19-21st: BIOKET:
Bioeconomy Key Enabling Technologies platform – Organized by B4C (Bioeconomy For Change), Juliette Diris, process development engineer and Julie Ponchart Methods manager will be there on march 21st to speak about the SCALE project: a microalgae industrial biorefinery concept now real – focus on the downstream process.
Location: France, Reims, Congress Center

March 29th: SFEL Webinar – Jonathan Maury, Clinical Research Manager at Microphyt, will be taking part during a webinar organized by SEFL (Société Française pour l’Etude des Lipides). He will present the results of our latest nutraceutical clinical study “Effects of fucoxanthin and fatty acids containing microalgae supplementation on body composition and markers of health in overweight women participating in an exercise and weight loss program”

April 16-18th: In Cosmetics global – Come back to Paris! Microphyt will exhibit on In-Cosmetics global event, the leading global event for personal care ingredients, and will notably unveil its new innovative bioactive ingredient for the cosmetic industry. Book appointments in advance to discuss with the cosmetic team: Vincent Usache, CEO Laura Bertrand, Business Developer, Cyrielle Houdin, Marketing Manager Advanced Beauty, Mélanie Lefevre, Cosmetic Application Manager and Clémentine Depresle Product Manager Cosmetic Ingredients. Visit us at booth 1R85 to try our new bioactives.
Book an appointment: contact@microphyt.eu
Location : France, Paris, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles

May 1-2: NYSCC Suppliers Days – Microphyt will be present at this must-attend American cosmetics event! You can discuss with Nora Vandamme, Business Development Manager Cosmetic Ingredients and Stefan Wypyszyk, CCO. the perfect occasion to discuss if you missed In Cosmetics.
Book an appointment: contact@microphyt.eu
Place: US, NYC, Javits Convention Center

May 14-16th: Vitafoods Europe – Like every year, Microphyt will exhibit to Vitafoods, The World’s Nutraceutical Event! The perfect place to meet leading suppliers of raw ingredients, dietary supplements such as Microphyt, functional food and stuff. Please come and visit us at our booth H56 on algae pavilion. Vincent Usache, CEO and Christel Lemaire, Marketing Manager for Novel Nutrition will be there to discuss about sustainability challenges and how microalgae can help to face it.
Book an appointment: contact@microphyt.eu
Place: Switzerland, Geneva, Palexpo

June 5-6th: Cosmetic Business Munich – For its first exhibition in Germany, the cosmetic team chose CB Munich.As the only international trade show in Germany, it brings together exclusively cosmetics companies and all their suppliers for the development, production, packaging and marketing of the entire range of cosmetics products. As a barometer of mood and trends, it is indispensable to decision-makers in the sector. Laura Bertrand and Cyrielle Houdin will welcome you at booth 1D22.
Book an appointment: contact@microphyt.eu
Place: Germany, Munich, MOC Event Center

June 10th: DSHEA Summit – Microphyt will be present to discuss about the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. The program aims to delve into the historical, current, and future aspects of the US dietary supplements industry.
Place: USA, Salt Lake City, Hyatt Regency

June 11th: COSMED visit – COSMED and COSMETOPOLE organize a thematic day on water management in cosmetic in Montpellier. For this occasion, Microphyt offers factory’s visit. It’s the opportunity to discuss how can we improve water management within biotechnology industry. Cosmetic team will be present to welcome you.
More information and registration here
Place: France, Montpellier

June 18-20th: Nutriform Business Days – 3 days of sharing and exchange, conferences and round tables to discuss the latest international developments in food supplements, where Christel Lemaire will be present for this 8th edition.
Place: France, Antibes Juan les Pins, Congress center

June 18-20th: ISSN – Microphyt will be attending the International Society of Sports Nutrition Summit. Our Clinical Research Manager Jonathan Maury will present the science behind Phaeoptim™, our nutraceutical novel ingredient to naturally optimize healthy active lifestyle benefits, during a 30-min presentation session. Stefan Wypyszyk, Chief Commercial Officer will be there to introduce you our ingredients.
Place: USA, Bonita Spring, Hyatt Regency

July 29th-August 1st: NBJ Summit – Before summer break, why not meeting Vincent Usache and Stefan Wypyszyk at the Nutrition Business Journal where natural products and nutrition industry’s most influential minds are joining to learn about future trends while networking with all the industry leaders
Place: USA, Palos Verdes, Terranea Resort

In the meantime, if you have any questions or if you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us by email at contact@microphyt.eu or by clicking here.
Microphyt’s team